The Art of Nursing

The Art of Nursing
The Art of Nursing

Friday, August 5, 2011

Little Company of Mary: Example of a school of nursing with real history.

     How exciting to find a nursing school website that not only dedicates space to their history but has specifics about their cap and pin design.  I want to quote from their website and give you the link for further reading.  Personally, I was very touched with the thought and specificity that went into the design of their cap and pin.

                                                                              Our Cap and its Origin              
The cap was designed by a student nurse, Marilyn Therese (Jordan) Hickey class of 1954, and first was worn by the graduating class of 1953.  The four soft pleats in the crown are held together by a gold bar signifying unity. The pleats represent faith, hope, charity and prudence.  The two side wings mean that actions and thoughts of the wearer are directed toward God.  The two buttons in the back represent wisdom and fortitude.